Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hornets nest 2

If you look close up you can see the dried hornets inside.

Hornets nest

The amazing texture, layers of colour and engineering are just so inspiring.

Halloween in the country

Beautiful Autumn

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Closed Fischer & Page

Closing of wholesaler

This Friday so the closing of one of the New York flower markets finest flower wholesaler. It was very sad to seem the closed. When I first started in the business Joe was the kindest guy who helped pick the best flowers in the store. That was many moons ago.
I wish everybody at the store the very best of health and success in their new ventures.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

White dahlias

Leucadendron is one of 80 varieties belonging to the Protea family. They are native to South Africa. They can grow as tall as 16 m. The plant when cut is very hardy and relatively long lasting, upto two weeks ideally.
Half of the species carry the seed in a fire proof pod. The seeds are only released after a fire has killed the plant.

Figs as floral art

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Japanese Rose

This spray rose from Japan is called "Eclair". Almost good enough to eat. Japan has an amazing selection of very high quality floral varieties.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Go USA!!!

Soccer madness

Even in the flower market takes time to watch the world cup and show
there colours.

Breakfast on the go...

Mini Teddy bear sunflowers

Pin cushions

The plantings

So one month later here are the plant in their glory.

Red dahlias

The beginning of the dahlia's.

White Peony

The local season is coming to an end. Mothers Day to Fathers Day is
the normal growing season for local peonies.


Local thistle


Do you know what family this common flowers belongs too?

Local blue hydrangea

The beginning of the local hydrangea. Let's hope the rain stays away
and does not spoil the beautiful blooms.

Bamboo anyone?

As one of the great renewable plants,this tree grows very quickly and
can take over your garden easily.


Growing on the street, these tropical delights would bring a smile to
anyones face

Monday, June 14, 2010

Planting Dahlias

So this is the last blog today. Lots more to come and also the
finished planters from May 14th. Just to tease a little...

Purple delphinium local

Hi Browyn.
Thanks for following.

Local sunflowers

As my friend Yoko says:" just too damn happy"

Hosta flowers

Big cat

This cat is one good mouse catcher. Although now I think he is napping
in the sun.

Hosta time.

Do not ask my why, okay I will tell you why I love hostas.
My grandmothers garden path was lined with them and it reminds me of
her and the simpler times in her little garden.

Giant Eremurus

The wonders are over six feet tall and will last about 10 days.
They can get upto 10' tall in there natural habitat.

Local te yarrow

Another sign we are heading towards summer. Lots of locally grown
flowers. Yipeee!

Plantings continued

So the next day we planted the little dears and prayed for good
weather that they would be ready for the big day.

Planting season

May 13th. Here are some plants getting ready for a clients garden
containers. We planted them in time for the party this past weekend.
Next photo will be them in the containers.

Too hot to handle

The much maligned gerbera daisy. How could you not love this delight.

Bearded Iris

These local beauties were almost four feet tall.


I know it long gone but this fabulous tree was to wonderful to resist.

Close up

When I see the blossom like this I want to makes bed of it and just
lay down on it. Mother Nature at her best.